Fall Off the Bone Smoked Ribs “My Way”

4 pounds St Lois Style Pork Ribs
Seasoning ( we tried 3 different ones. Weber Honey Garlic Rub, Weber KC BBQ Rub and my My BBQ Rib Rub . It turns out my Rib Rub was the favorite.
Wood Chips of your choice – we like using Hickory, Pecan or Beech Wood
Remove the membrane from the back of the ribs (see first picture below). Once you get started it is rather easy to remove it. After the membrane is removed season the ribs, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.
When you are ready to smoke your ribs preheat your smoker. Spray the rack you’ll use for the ribs with non stick cooking spray – it’ll make the clean up so easy. Put the ribs on the rack. Leave the vent 3/4 open so the smoke and the air can circulate properly. Once your smoker has reached the desired temperature ( in this case 225 degrees) put the rack with the ribs in the smoker. Insert a Thermometer into the ribs to keep an eye on the temperature. To make sure your meat stays moist a pan with liquid should be added to the smoker. You can use, water, different types of juices or beer. We’ve started using beer and really like the results. Place wood chips of your choice in your smoker and close the door. Leave the door closed. Do not open the smoker door. Don’t spray the ribs thinking it will keep them moist. It doesn’t matter with the electric Masterbuild smoker. The pan with the liquid takes care of that. The more often you open the door the more moisture and heat will escape. I usually keep the vent of the smoker 3/4 open. After 6 hours or when the ribs have reached an internal temperature between 205 – 210 degrees remove them from the smoker. Wrap them in aluminum foil and let rest for 10 – 15 minutes.
We smoked our Ribs at 225 degrees for about 6 hours. Depending on the thickness of the ribs it might take a little more or less time. As you can see in the picture below our Ribs were very juicy and tender.
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