Wine Flavored Smoked Beef Short Ribs

4 pounds of beef short ribs ( I usually make sure that I have 2-3 beef short ribs per person)
salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and red pepper flakes to taste
For our Masterbuilt Electric Smoker I used
½ bottle red wine
wood chips of your choice
Before seasoning the short ribs make sure to remove the silver skin on the bottom side. Once the silver skin has been removed season the ribs with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and red pepper flakes to taste. Preheat your electric smoker to 225 degrees. Spray the rack you’ll use for the ribs with non-stick spray. That will avoid any sticking when the ribs are done. Our masterbuilt electric smoker requires a water pan when smoking. I love using beer for many meats but for these short ribs I used red wine. I decided to use beech wood chips since they are one of my daughters favorites. The ribs should be smoked until they have reached an internal temperature of 195 degrees. Mine took about 5 ½ hours.
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